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MakeCert – Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn – Create a self-signed root certificate
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Makecert exe download windows 10
MakeCert Makecert. The certificate binds a certificate name to the больше информации part of the key pair. The certificate продолжение здесь saved to a file, a system certificate store, or both. MakeCert supports a large number of switches but this section only describes the basic switches that are relevant to creating a test certificate that can be used to test-sign a driver package or embed a signature in a driver file.
This name must conform to the X. If a key container does makecert exe download windows 10 exist, a new key container is created. The Exxe argument must be either of the following:. OutputFile The name of the file in which the generated certificate is saved.
MakeCert supports a large number of switches. The switches described in this topic are limited to the ones that you can use to create a test certificate. In the following example, the MakeCert command generates a self-signed test makecert exe download windows 10 named «Contoso. Feedback will be sent to Microsoft: By pressing the submit button, your makexert will be used to improve Microsoft products and services. Privacy policy. Skip to main content. Contents Exit focus mode. Comments MakeCert supports a large number of switches.
Examples In the following example, the MakeCert command generates a self-signed test certificate named «Contoso. Yes No. Any additional feedback? Skip Submit.
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